Monday, January 15, 2007


I realize no one really reads this but for those that might, this is simply a cry from my heart. I can't dance anymore. I feel like my life is just one big school dance; the popular kids hang out trying to spike the punch, there are people dancing, the computer geeks hover together trying to look at the latest tech magazine. And then there I am sitting by the wall. Waiting for my chance to dance. I keep trying to get up to dance and sometimes people even try to dance with me, but it's just not right. Something is just not quite right. So, finally I sit back down and try to just watch. All I really want is to leave the dance and go home. But apparently the dance is never over and I am just allowed to sit and watch. I realize this isn't a completely formed idea, but it's really my heart right now. So, I guess I will just have to smile and keep hoping that someday, someday I will dance better.

1 comment:

john andrick said...

thanks for the comment. i'm almost finished with velvet elvis. i'll probably post a review of some kind when i get it done. do you have a myspace or facebook or anything like that? i'll keep reading your blog, if you'll keep reading mine. take care.

-fargo john.