Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Secret Life of Me

Okay-I don't really have a secret life. But sometimes it feels like I'm simply playing a part. Granted the part I play is by God's design. The thing is when we see a movie or read a book, we can peg the characters and almost write the story based on our assumptions. Usually we're right too-especially if it's a chick lit book. So, I have determined that I am a certain character in my story. I'm the preacher girl who doesn't need anyone or anything to exist. Just her and her God. Which is awesome! But, this character never gets the guy. Really, she's the cool single girl with a cute apartment (even if it is a disaster zone) and massive amounts of books and insight. I love being that girl! I really love having people come to me cuz they know I'll speak the truth. I cherish that character that God is developing in me. But if I embrace that part of my character, must I be consigned to the other parts I don't cherish? Like being single, or aways stepping up when others won't? Can I change the character? I realize the truth is I am God's character in His story. It's not about me and maybe I just need to let go of the stuff in me that resists that. I'm so thankful He's a God who knows me-El Roi...

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