Saturday, November 24, 2007

Whimsically challenged, and yet there's hope...

I am not nor have I ever been a real fan of waiting. Who is? Please, I need to meet that guy. But this past week has introduced some sweet things that will require massive amounts of waiting. Allow me to present my case:

1) The Lifelong Dream
So, when I was about 13, I realized I liked to argue. not about like politics or anything like that, but I just had this need to be right and to be right I had to prove my point. So, what better profession could I aspire to than a lawyer, right? Well, long story short-I went to school for elementary education except I hate kids (well, I did... but that's getting to the second point). So I changed from that to secondary ed, and then art and finally I was forced to graduate with Mass Comm. But as I've worked in my position, the dream has been revisited and revitalized. Law School. So, I began researching the necessary steps to actually pursue this dream. And it's attainable, really. Just a test and $30,000. Oh, and apparently three years of the highest stress and studying. but there's this stirring in my heart when I start to think on it... So, I will soon be preparing for the LSAT and my hope is actually applying for law school in two years. I'm guessing I'll have my debt and car paid down or off by then, so maybe I can handle a bit more :)

And while this sounds so great and wonderful, I find myself wondering if I actually want to be a lawyer or just know all the stuf lawyers know. As is, I can tell you the law on my industry in all 50 states at the drop of a hat. And that is exciting to me!! So, maybe my true desire is for knowledge and that can be pursued through Barnes & Noble and save probably a good $29,000 in the process.

2) Marriage v. Singleness Boxing Match
for years and years, I have assumed I am just either meant to be single and just being tormented. I never ever thoguht I would actually dare to hope for a relationship/marriage. but this weekend it finally happened, the peace I needed confirming those desires. and it wasn't like a revelation of who or when or even why, but it was just a quiet peace that this is something I can hope for. So, I'm letting myself hope and the contentment in that has come easily so far. I don't know how long I'll be waiting, but I'll wait until it's a "good" thing in reference to Psalm 84:11
"For the LORD God is a sun and shield;
the LORD bestows favor and honor.
No good thing does he withhold
from those who walk uprightly."

So, hope is here and the waiting may begin for these dreams to unfold and flourish in God's ever capable span of time...

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