Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Springtime Comes

I am having a hard time believing today that we will get inches and inches of snow. It's April! But then I see the parallel in my own life. Much like we rarely get a break in the weather department, I rarely get a break in the endurance department. Once, a long time ago, I prayed for patience. I prayed to be more peaceful. And now-well let's just say, be careful when you pray that.

God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him ~ James 1:12

Now, I really have nothing to complain about here. But I am in amazement of the work God has done in me. When I first prayed this prayer I was hoping it would get me somewhere quicker. You know, if I follow the formula I get what I want. But, nothing ever really did happen the way I had hoped it would. Let's fast forward to today though...

Today I woke up with a peace and joy in my heart I rarely enjoy. It's not a spring out of bed feeling or a smile the day away joy. No, this is a more subtle kind of thing. It's a deep thing. A rooted experience. No, today I woke up and I knew that no matter what today brings or what yesterday didn't I would be perfectly content and okay. Even though I may not enjoy my work or things may not happen the way I would hope or ministry is not as fruitful as I would like. Even though I think I'm missing things I should have. No-today I woke up and I knew I was exactly who I should be, exactly where I am and exactly how much God loves me. And that, my friends, is a good thing. When I finally rest on this, I have found what I need and I know I need nothing else. If I am with God where He is, I am where I need to be. And I am joyful in this. Amen

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