Friday, February 13, 2009

Uh oh - It's not you, it's me!!

So I'm browsing along this morning and happen upon some emails which leads to a website which leads to articles which of course is my primary source of procrastination material. And as I read along in this article concerning facebook I read the following:

“Do you think that people who do a lot of online networking become that much less able to relate to people in a way that leaves room for inklings about people rather than making decisions based on profiles which are essentially ingredients listings?”

Um, oh... Yeah. That's me. I confess, I am a pigeonholer. I read a profile, check out the music and movies, and decide what this person is probably like. I admit it, I see my facebook friends as a list of ingredients that make up the whole rather than knowing them. I myself attempt to portray myself as kinda punk, hip and indie with the things I list on my profile and status. So, what is the solution? How do I undo years and years of cyber-knowing people and getting to know them for real? Does emailing count? I mean I've had a couple of people I would count among my good friends that I have primarily a cyber-friendship with. But at the end of the day, I guess the truth is I do enjoy the personal interactions and expressions that come only from truly knowing people. And I do see how I've become awkward and uncertain of myself when it comes to meeting people I've developed a relationship with primarily on the Internet. And I definitely see how I feel like a close friend or have a false intimacy with people solely based on knowing a bunch of random facts about them as this article discusses. And I am guilty too of trying to win people but asking that they know more about me. Heck, I'm blogging right now, aren't I? I don't think I'll stop blogging anytime soon since this is my form of therapy but I might go clean out my facebook profile. If you read this, please - I welcome your thoughts. Interact with me, discuss with me, be more than a just a random reader engaging only with my sporadic thought processes :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

girl...i know how u feel. i have had a tough time since college trying to connect with people in person. it has gotten better in the last few months. but any relationship can be hard. i have recently asked for help with accountability in my life and it has been a challenge. being completely and open and honest about my thoughts and how i spend my time. but girl...i just wanted to let u know that i understand!

<3 veronica