Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Mid-Winter Musings

I am so deliquent in writing. Much has been happening and work as always is beyond my stress threshold. But I cannot contain it anymore, so here we are :)
This past Sunday my friend preached a message and it was great but what I especially enjoyed was the following quote from Susan Wesley:
Take this rule: whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, or takes off your relish of spiritual things; in short, whatever increases the strength and authority of your body over your mind, that thing is sin to you, however innocent it may be in itself.

What I love about this is the simplicity in defining what is sin. I mean, as believers in the cross and purpose of Jesus, all things are permissable, but not necessarily beneficial. Which lets us (or me) feel like I can get away with stuff that isn't "technically" sin. But with this definition in mind, I'm convicted. Whether it be liking that guy a little or watching a PG-13 movie with inappropriate themes. Suddenly, I realize I allow so much complacent sin in my life!!
So what's the take home thought of the day? A renewed sense of awareness in how I process and think and allow my heart to be moved. Is what I'm thinking hardening my heart towards someone or something when I should be tender? Is this vein of conversation validating my fleshly agenda over my spiritual? Simple enough and yet so difficult to ask the questions because I know answering them requires repentance and giving of myself over to God's molding. But what a great feeling knowing that I am designed and shaped and created in His image, for His glory. I am His masterpiece and I am still in progress.

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