Monday, August 25, 2008


I'm happy today. Like, really happy!! I'd like to say it's these amazing pills, but I know differently. I've been reading an excellent book called "Searching For God Knows What" by Donald Miller and it is blowing my mind. Much like "Blue Like Jazz" did when I first read that book. It's just all these ideas about living life in relationship with Jesus. From seeing God as formulaic to understanding why I live a holy life; I am just being revolutionized. And maybe it has something to do with where I am these days which is happier, but I think there is something more at work.

I've had some opportunities lately to talk candidly about faith and why I believe what I believe and it's been kinda cool to see what comes out of my mouth fully realizing that I cannot take the credit for what God has done in this life of mine. And something that continues to come up is how I know God/Jesus/Christianity is the Way. It's a tough question and "I just know" isn't a readily accepted answer. But, it's true. Knowing God does something in my inner heart. Somewhere in my spirit something flares at worshipping Him and parts of my heart stretch out and yearn when I read the Bible. These are places and things that happen that I cannot explain with words or try to make people understand. They are also not things I can replicate with any earthly attempts. No, these longings and encounters are part of my creation, more deeply woven into my being than anything else I can see. And it's because I was created to know God. I know I am exactly who I was created to be when I am in awe and wonder and longing for this Husband of mine. He has created me to be His Beloved! What is more beautiful and enchanting than that?

So, all of that to say I feel so loved and content and happy today because I KNOW God, and I continue to know Him more. And that my friends, is true joy. So, come rejoice with me!!

"I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit."

~Romans 15:13 (NLT)

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