Saturday, December 01, 2007

Why Law?

As I walked today (see my new blog The Skeptical Psuedolete for details), I was struck by a pretty deep thought. Do I REALLY want to go to law school? Why do I want to? Granted, I am reading the book "One L" which describes one guy's first year in law school at Harvard and it sounds pretty intense. But what keeps coming up in my mind is how it seems all the people he is meeting in his section are so brilliant and had good grades and were so successful. And I remember that I got a measly 23 on ACT and a 3.2 undergraduate GPA. Not to mention my intimidation of discussions with people I know to be smarter than me. Can I truly make up for all of that with more studying and hard work? Can I maintain the pace? Why am I even doing this?!?

So, I figured I needed to lay out my own case and what better place than my blog, right? So here are my points in order of importance to me and my desire to be a lawyer:

1. Knowledge

I love learning. i love reading. I love writing. I simply love having knowledge and processing and thinking really. You've seen my thoughts laid out here from time to time and you know it's how I process the ideas in my head. I just love knowing stuff to help me process because then I will have a fuller understanding of the implications of my decisions.

2. Advocacy

I am articulate and relatively intelligent I believe. I know for a fact that I can probably say what you are thinking or feeling better than you can. Sounds kind of haughty and conceited, but it's probably true. And I mean that in a nice way of course... So, I understand and see things from someone else's perspective and give voice to what is going on. As a grantwriter I have had plenty of experience writing to specific audiences and goals for funding. I understand how to manipulate words and ideas to meet criteria and really show off the vision of programs we are trying to get funded. it may sound slightly like I'm catering, and I am, but there's just a drive to get the message out. And I love the idea that I could be an advocate for someone who may not be able to speak clearly for themselves. Or at least aid in their understanding of the fuller picture beyond their world so they can see what is truly at stake. I got a smile in my heart just writing that...

3. The Title of "Lawyer"

I am not good at accomplishing goals I set for myself. I try, but it just never quite gets done. Whether a diet or a reading plan or daily devotions, I just never stay on track and end up falling off the program. My dad calls me a quitter, but I know somewhere deep inside this weak flesh, there's a winner waiting to emerge!! (Could that sound any cornier?) I ask myself, if law is my dream, why not pursue it? Not to mention, Dad can't really call me a quitter if I have the title, now can he?

So, overall, there are many factors that contribute to my thinking of late about this profession. Whether my age creeping up to that 30 mark, my love for the job I currently have, or just the drive to actually be what I want to be for once in my life. So many things play a part and shape my desire to be a lawyer. So, that all being said, let's hope this blog will be inspiring to me in a couple years when I'm wading through cases and contracts, endless reading and what I'm beginning to fear most, the Socratic method of teaching...

1 comment:

Heather said...

What the crap is a pseudolete??? A half-asssed athlete???