Saturday, May 19, 2007

Airport Walking

So I'm chilling at the Mpls Airport today awaiting my connecting flight to KC. It is a huge airport (it seems like they all are to me). And of course my gate is somewhere in the next county. The sweet thing about these big airports is the walking strip you can ride to get somewhere faster. As I was gliding my way down the concourse, this wonderful feeling erupted in me. I am so effectively moving right now!! (note-not ride/walking as I write. That would be a very dangerous thing.) And as usually happens I see this spiritual parallel to this glorious sensation. My destination is truly eternity but while I'm here my passion is seeing people love God and for them to realize how in love with them God is. As I cruise along stumbling through life, I wish I had a walk strip that would somehow make me more effective. LOVE That's the walk strip. When I genuinely, honestly, wholly love
people; I become a display of His love!! A) I love who I am because I'm not being selfish.
B) People are loved. C) People realize they ARE lovable and thus it is possible that God loves them even in their broken and needy state. D) and ultimately, I am investing in eternity because that kind of love lives on eternally.

May we all utilize this deperately needed walk strip as we continue our striding towards the Lover-God of our hearts...

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