Monday, May 21, 2007


There are few words that strike my heart like the word overwhelmed. Sometimes it's a negative thing and other times it's a passionately good thing. Tonight it's good.

I've been in KC this week and while visiting the IHOP a song was sung that goes something like this:
'Though I'm poor, You say I'm lovely. Though I'm dark, You say I'm beautiful. Somehow my weakness has overwhelmed You. Somehow my weak love has ravished Your heart.'

Not sure on that last phrase but if you've been to IHOP you know how hard it can at times to understand the words exactly. Anyway.

I met with the Lord, my Lover-God this weekend. There are many things in my heart tonight but the word I need to get out is overwhelmed. I am overwhelmed by the pure love and desire of God to know His Bride wholly and for His Bride to know His heart. I am overwhelmed by God's broken heart over His rebellious people. I am overwhelmed by God's passionate pursuit of me.

Jeremiah 2 speaks of God's people doing two evil things: 1-they have abandoned God, the Living Water, 2-they have dug for themselves cracked cisterns which carry no water. I read this thinking of people I know of who are filling the places in their lives intended for God with earthly things. Waters that do not quench. And suddenly it hit me that this is me too. What things do I try to quench my thirst with? Relationships, job, even ministry. But the fact is that nothing CAN quench the thirst aside from God. He ALONE is God, my living water.

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