Saturday, May 24, 2008

What's My Age Again?

Ah Springtime. The air is ripe with the smells of blooming flowers, fresh cut grass, and freedom. Even though I have been a graduated adult for over five years now, I still remember the freedom of being done with the school year and the anticipation of summer. Even the days are longer!! And in this time of year, graduations abound.

I attended just such an occassion this weekend. Well, the open house part anyway, and I realized as I was writing my little note in the graduate's card, that I could take some of my own advice. I being the wise woman I am, decided to impart such wisdom upon my dear friend. Mainly, I told her that the funny thing about graduating, in particular from high school, is that you're a kid today and tomorrow you're expected to be an adult. The most asked question becomes "What are you going to DO with your life?" I finished up this particular sentiment with an admonition to seek after God (preferably with the devo and journal I gave her) so she can keep her feet on the right path as she works through this journey. And I got to thinking, what am I doing with my life? How have I become an adult? or not, as the case may be?

I'm realizing as I am finishing up my 20s that I am in a weird place i never thought I would be. I am still single when I'd always thought I'd be married working on kids by now. I'm in a non-profit job writing and reading most of my day when I thought I would be in either photography or full-time ministry by this time in my life. I have a stellar group of friends which is such a blessing and I never really thought I could be the 'cool kid'. So, in all - adulthood has exceeded my expectations, in most areas. Even the singleness is relatively tolerable, today anyway :) However, the journey to get here? wouldn't wish it on anyone. As my readers probably know, my journey has seen a number of dark days - whether simply in emotion or in actual. And each episode of trial has brought something to the table in way of my attitudes, reactions, and overall character. And each piece has its place. But the real question is this: how do you prepare someone for LIFE? Do you simply do as I did and plead that they seek God at each turn and hope they'll make it through? do you give details of your own journey hoping they won't make the same mistakes? How do you prepare yourself for life?

As these questions roll through my head this weekend, I am reminded again of how faithful God is to take on our loads and give us peace. While I may want to sit down and diagram out the trials and terrors of my past in order to strategically plan to avoid them in the future, I know ultimately that I am - well, I am Cassandra. And I will fall again. but, is there something I can do to make sure my fall isn't as deadly as it has been in the past? Even now, I can see myself playing with fire and hoping I can just dance around enough to avoid getting burned. But in the end, I will get burned - or worse, I'll build up a callus to avoid even feeling the pain. So, I guess I still have some growing up to do myself.

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