Friday, July 13, 2007

Little Miss Mary Sunshine

“Little Miss Mary Sunshine had a bad day…” As Saving Jane would say. It’s not a particularly bad day, but more a general attitude of late. Since my last post bitterness has been uprooted and wounds are healing over nicely. Except for this one…

Next week I will be turning 27. I will be a full-fledged responsible adult. I’ll be in my upper twenties for sure. This age brings me a lot of stress. To begin with, in my circle I am apparently not considered an adult or, at very least, responsible enough to take care of small things like forms or keys or whatever may need to be responsibly taken care of. I’m not sure what I did to give folks the impression that I am not grown up, but I get the strong vibe that a lot of people think this way of me. Well, I guess I just have to remember that I know I am and everyone else can just do it themselves then. There comes a time in a person’s life when they really just have to quit caring about this world and live for what’s important to them. So, as I am trying to define what really is important, I guess caring what people think of me should be added to the list of “Quit Caring About It”. Let’s make a list, shall we?


  • Relationship with God-my lover, my comfort, my tower, my refuge
  • Relationship with students-pouring into the next generation of believers
  • Being responsible with what God has blessed me with-finances, time, etc.
  • Loving people
  • Living a life that cause glory to God

Quit Caring About It:

  • What other people think about me
  • How I look in my favorite clothes
  • Whether someone at work likes me or not or thinks I nap all day instead of working hard like I am-in other words, know I’m doing my job and quit retaliating with “But I AM working!! And harder than you!”
  • How many great classics I have not read yet and assuming that it makes me an idiot because I haven’t.
  • How much I love stupid fiction sometimes.
  • Whether I’m good enough or pretty enough or whatever enough for any one person or group. I’m enough Cass for God and that is enough.

I feel good about this. I think I can work this out. See how much smaller my Important list is? It’s not difficult or outrageous. But too many things in my Quit Caring About It list outdo the Important things. So, this is the beginning of being a responsible, goal-oriented, time managed and prioritized adult… Or this is just the beginning of caring about what matters to me instead of letting other people shape and form my life for me. I feel wiser already J


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