Sunday, November 05, 2006

Way to go Joe!

A bit about my current life... I have been insanely busy-which normally I enjoy. A week with one evening of no plans is a good week for me. So it's not the business that is eating away at the few nerves I have left. It's the pressure. Whether it's deadlines I can barely meet or the fact that my job getting done means everyone else still HAS a job-I have pressure. And there's no more give in my brain for more pressure! One more thing and I will explode, I promise. So, I taught this morning on Joseph and his character. Random segue, I think not. Joe had a lot he could have complained about. He was sold into slavery unjustly, he was thrown in prsion for standing up and staying pure, he was forgotten for 2 years when he asked someone to do him a favor. I'd say tough luck for Joe. But in his story we don't see any complaints. We don't see anger or bitterness or jealousy. We see Joe depending on God's perfect plan. As Christians we all know Romans 8:28 and I have always kinda liked it but figured it was Christianese fluff really. Do I truly believe in it? If I did, I would see my life a lot differently. If God truly does work all things for good to those who love Him, my circumstance right now is God working isn't it? It's not an unjust pressure or bad time management or any of these things I would like to complain about. It's God doing a work in me. We can't be pure until we're refined. So I guess I need to remember Joe this week and know that God's perfect plan is in place and He's just shining me up for His glory.

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