Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Life After Retreat

I am home from my retreat/conference in Kansas City. There's always a struggle when you get home from these kinda of things. You learn so much and God opens your heart to what you need to incorporate into your DAILY life. It's the daily part that gets me. Let's look at this week...
I was really impacted by a couple of things from the Passion for Jesus conference. One was my inability to love well. Whether it's loving God, others or even myself. I do not love well because I just assume everything will be taken away from me. Which, to be honest, it will, right? Someday we'll be in eternity (if you know Jesus as Savior) and all of this temporary crap will be gone. Although, there is something to be said for relationships that will stretch into eternity. However, I assume it/they will be gone so why hold them tight. I really see this as a good thing. My focus and purpose is on heavenly things and I do not hold onto that which will remain here. This makes it hard for me to love thoroughly though. For example-someday (God willing!) I want to get married. but if this trend continues, will I hold my spouse so loosely? What about my kids? Is it good or bad to do this?!? I don't know, but I know God wants me to love with His heart for people.
Second thing was time in the Word. Spending time understanding God's heart through His word and getting to know His Son Jesus through the Word. Already this week, I've missed a day and I haven't done today's study yet either. Not a good track record...

So how do we do it? Bring our hearts full back with us to our daily lives? I think we just set our focus on it. I make many choices in my day that I claim I couldn't help, but really-with a bit of willpower and strength-I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me. So-I press on toward the goal and hope that God is doing a work to change me and shape me into the creature He intended when He formed me.

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