Sunday, October 14, 2007

Oh Mylanta!! Houston, we have a problem!

So life. Life has been... well insane and interesting and good and wild and many other words that just don't do it justice. I'm leaving my church, I quit my second job (mostly), and I am preaching the sermon at my new church tomorrow. I have nothing written down. Herein lies the problem part....

Now, I know what my topic is per se. My issue is with the actual flow, shall we say. how do you cram three stories into thirty minutes? Now these are quite complex old testament stories mind you. How do you segueway from Hosea to Joshua to Hosea to modern?!? So, if you get this and it isn't 6:30 PM Sunday yet, send up a plea for me would ya? And if you want to come see what God does, check out Hawley Community Center tomorrow around 6:30 PM... Should be a good lesson in trusting God for wisdom and words :)